Sitemap - 2023 - MLOps Newsletter

Apple releases a new deep learning library: MLX

Google Releases Gemini

A new Giant LLM from Inflection(5K H100 GPUs)

OpenAI Keynote and Some Thoughts on Foundation Models

Kaggle AI Report, Pinterest's Diverse Recommendation System

Batch Calibration for LLMs

LLM Inference Made Easy, TSMixer for Time Series

Pinterest improves their Closeup Recommendation System through foundational changes

NVIDIA announces TensorRT LLM to make LLM Inference easy(on H100!)

Stanford CRFM suggests moving to workflows rather than tasks for evaluation!

OpenAI announces new fine-tuning API!

Google introduces AdaTape, Salesforce introduces LAM(Large Action Model)s

Embedding as a Service(EaaS) vs. Model as a Service(MaaS)

XGen, a 7B LLM trained on up to 8K sequence length from SalesForce

TikTok's Recommendation Engine Explained: Monolith

ChatGPT4 still leads ChatBot/LLM Leaderboard

LLM Stack, Controllable Generative Models

Pinterest's Closeup Recommendations Engine

Levanter: A New Jax Framework for LLM

Pinterest introduces diversity in multi-stage ranking through DPP, Bucketized ANN, Overfetch and Rerank

RLHF made easy: AlpacaFarm

Pinterest builds User Understanding Infrastructure

Twitter open-sourced their recommendation algorithm

PyTorch is now officially 2.0

ChatGPT Plugins, NVIDIA launches Prismer

OpenAI launches GPT-4!

Lyft's explains their Model Serving Infrastructure

Pinterest introduces query rewards for retrieval

Google Research, 2022 & Beyond Series

Google open-sources Vizier

Emergent Capabilities in Large Language Models

AI Infrastructure Report for 2022 published